Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults

What is TEFLA

This course is designed for experienced teachers who already have a TESOL certificate and who want specific knowledge about
teaching English to adults. The fact is that adults learn very differently than children.

What you will learn

The TEFLA course covers a lot of ground. It will teach you all about teaching adults generally – why it is different from teaching

TEFLA will show you how to teach the essentials to adults, teaching idioms, expressions and how to use music and art as teaching
aids. It gives you a good understanding of many forms of ESP (English for Special Purposes), TOEFL and TOEIC so you will be
confident in teaching each of these specialized English courses.

It will help you, as an experienced teacher, to learn how to effectively use CALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning) and
WALL (Web-assisted Language Learning) with adults. The course even shows you how to develop your own interactive lessons and
make them available to your students on the Internet.